The Cemetery Club

By Ivan Menchell

Directed by Jim Berger

Three middle-aged Long Island women, recently widowed, meet each month to visit their late husbands' graves. Their friendship is interrupted when one of them meets a widower.

Audiences of this witty comedy meet and become quite fond of Ida, Lucille, and Doris, three New York widows whose longtime friendship grows even deeper after the deaths of their husbands. They meet each week at the cemetery to visit their husbands' graves and seek consolation from each other. What happens when one of them meets an attractive widower? Find out when you come to see this hilarious, yet warm and moving, play.

Produced by Mazomanie R and R at the Mazomanie Community Building

Performances: May 17-25, 2002

Friday and Saturday, May 17 and 18, 8:00 pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, May 23, 24, and 25, 8:00 pm, and Saturday, May 25 at 4:00 pm.

Ticket Prices $6.00

Information - 608-288-9344. Tickets at door.
