Triumph of Love
By Marivaux, translated by Marin Crimp
Directed by Phil Martin
Marivaux's classic farce, Triumph of Love, examins the charade of love as it puts perfrectly sensible people into impossible situations. The story unfolds through hidden identities, false courtships, and the singular desire of a princess to get her prince. In the end, love is rewarded and love is exposed.
Produced by Edgewood College Theatre at Regina Theatre, 1000 Edgewood College Drive, Madison WI 53711
Performances: Sept 10-11, 17-18, 2004, at 7:30 pm with a 4 pm matinee on Saturday, Sept. 11
Ticket Prices $7 general admission, $5 students and seniors
Call 608.663.6710 or for reservations or more information.