Dysfunction Junction: Truth, Imagination and Family Dysfunction
Student Directed One Acts at Edgewood College
1. Patter for the Floating Lady by Steve Martin, directed by Dylan Stuckey 2. For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls by Christopher Durang, directed by Leanne Schmidt 3. Here We Are by Dorthy Parker, Directed by Georgia Belling 4. Naomi in the Living Room by Christopher Durang, directed by Tracy Walker 5. War of the Worlds by Naomi Iizuka, directed by Becky Lohaus
Produced by Edgewood College Theatre at Regina Theatre, 1000 Edgewood College Dr., Madison, WI 53711
Performances: April 28-30, 2005 at 7:30 pm
Ticket Prices $5 students/seniors; $7 adults
Call 608.663.6710 for reservations or more information.