Blitz Mania VI
By 8 different writers each night!
Directed by 8 different directors on each night!
What could be crazier than to write, cast, direct, and produce 8 new plays from scratch, all within 24 hours? How about doing it two days in row!!?? Join us for Blitz Mania VI! Blitz will run for two nights only with an entirely new slate of plays each night. Come either night or both! It's guarenteed you'll laugh along with us. Who else would attempt such mania...other than Mercury Players?
Produced by Mercury Players Theatre in the Drury Playhouse, Bartell Theatre: 113 E. Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53705
Performances: Friday, May 27 and Saturday, May 28, 2005, at 8:00 p.m.
Ticket Prices $12.00
Call (608) 661-9696, ext. 5 for reservations or more information.
Auditions will be held Monday, May 23 and Tuesday, May 24 from 7:00-9:0 p.m.
Anyone interested in acting at either session should arrive at the Bartell Lobby between 7:00 - 9:00 p.m., where they will fill out forms listing their experience and special talents, and get their photograph taken. These forms and accompanying photos will be available for use by the writers and directors throughout the rest of the process, to make casting go more quickly.
You may NOT act on both nights. Be prepared to choose a night when you come to fill out a form. This is not a typical audition. If you fill out a form and everything seems correct and okay, you WILL act. Actors will be given all the important information during sign up but it is important to know that if you sign up you must be at the theater at 10:00 a.m. the day of the show and be there until load-out after the show. It is a full day committment.