Stonewall Jackson's House
By Jonathan Reynolds
A comedy about race, power, and the arts.
From The New York Times:
"The gloves come off early in Stonewall Jackson's House. A woebegone black guide leading a group through the haphazardly restored home of the Confederate general suddenly stops the tour to ask a well-to-do white couple from Ohio if she can come home with them as their slave.
It's a provocative moment: where is the playwright headed with this tasteless conceit? Mercifully, not to a scene depicting modern slavery. The revolving panels of the play's simple set are suddenly pushed aside to reveal the rehearsal room of a small theater company whose self-righteous administrators, interviewing playwrights for the new season, denounce the play the audience has just sampled.
With that, Mr. Reynolds climbs on his soapbox for an ambling, funny, cranky and highly entertaining diatribe against all the agenda-laden forces and high-minded programs he believes have conspired to wring common sense out of American political and cultural life.
The plot takes several outrageous turns, culminating in a hilariously radical restaging of the tour-guide scene along lines more politically palatable to the theater company's old guard. . . . But maybe a little more unvarnished spleen-venting is just what the theater needs."
Produced by Mercury Players in the Evjue Theatre at the Esquire Theater, 113 E. Mifflin Street, Madison (just off the square).
Performances: October 6-21, 2000
Thur Fri Sat October 6
8 pmOctober 7
8 pmOctober 12
7:30 pmOctober 13
8 pmOctober 14
2 and 8 pmOctober 19
7:30 pmOctober 20
8 pmOctober 21
8 pmThere will be a pay-what-you-can preview on Thursday, October 5 at 7:30 pm.
Tickets are $9 on Thursdays and $12 on Fridays and Saturdays.
For more information call Marcy Weiland (producer), 251-1886.
Auditions will be held Saturday, August 26 and Sunday, August 27 from 12-4 pm, at the Atwood Community Center at 2425 Atwood Avenue. Auditioners must prepare a 2 minute monologue and call 608-242-0150 for an appointment.