Project: Blitzkrieg
Directed by Buck Hakes (producer)
We're putting together eight new plays in 24 hours. This new theater format has been sweeping the country, and promises excitement for audiences, actors, writers, and directors alike.
For information on participating as a writer, director, actor, or crew, please e-mail Buck Hakes at
Produced by Mercury Players at The Drury stage at the Esquire Theater, 113 E. Mifflin St., Madison, WI 53703
Performances: July 15, 2000 (one night only) at 8:00 pm
Ticket Prices $10
Call (608) 242-0150 for reservations or more information.
"Project: Blitzkrieg" is no longer accepting names for Director and Writer slots, but all ACTORS with an interest in participating in this theatrical event are welcome to attend the OPEN AUDITIONS at 10am Saturday, July 15, 2000, at the Drury stage upstairs at the Esquire Theatre. Actors of both sexes and all ages are welcome. Actors will be expected to commit to the entire casting, rehearsal, and performance period, all taking place Saturday, July 15, from 10am until approximately 11pm.
Actors should wear comfortable clothing and bring a change of clothes, plus whatever makeup they would expect to use for a typical performance. Resumes or prepared monologues are not necessary, though any actor who can sing or dance should expect to have to demonstrate such. We cannot guarantee any actor a place in the final cast, but we hope to use as many actors as we can! For more information, contact producer Buck Hakes at 837-6102 or via e-mail at
The Plan
At 8pm on Friday, July 14, 2000, a group of writers will meet for the first time.
At 8pm on Saturday, July 15, 2000, EIGHT NEW PLAYS will be presented to the public for the very first time.
For the 24 hours in between...
P R O J E C T : B L I T Z K R I E G
Mercury Players Theatre is proud to present a brand new wild and wacky theatre format that's been sweeping the country. We need writers, directors, and actors to help us put together eight new plays in 24 hours. No sets, no elaborate costumes or props, and no net. Sound like fun? Well, we need your help to do it!
Friday, July 14
8pm: Eight writers (or writing teams) meet with producer at or near the Esquire Theater. They are each assigned a play title and the number of male and female characters that must be incorporated (based on the list of actors committed to participate). They each go off to write a 10-15 minute play.
Saturday, July 15
9am: Deadline for writers to return plays in final form. Plays are copied and assigned to directors. The writers can go home and get some sleep.
10am: Actors, directors, and producer meet at Bartell. Plays are cast (whether by lots, by picking and choosing, or some combination thereof) and actors are given scripts.
10am - 5pm: Rehearsal time. Groups will be rehearsing all over the Bartell and wherever else we can arrange (and probably also running home for costumes and props). Producer, stage manager, and techs will be on hand during this time to answer questions and concerns. We hope to collect money and order in meals.
5pm: Run-through on the Drury stage (combination technical/dress rehearsal). Final order of plays will be determined by this time.
7:30pm: House opens.
8:00pm: Curtain up!
SO, if you want to be a writer, the time commitment needed would be from 8pm Friday to 9am Saturday. If you want to direct or act, the time commitment would be approximately 9am to 11pm Saturday. That's IT. But we have to be able to count on you participating, so please don't volunteer unless you're certain you'll be available!
To participate as an actor, or anything else (we need a stage manager, lighting and sound operators, and however many people want to pitch in as stagehands), please e-mail the producer, Buck Hakes, at or leave a voice mail message at (608) 837-6102.
Together, in 24 hours we will bring the Drury Theatre to its knees, and the audience to its feet. And you can be a part of it!
PROJECT: BLITZKRIEG. We're taking the theatre by storm.