Theory of Relativity
By Neil Bartram and Brian Hill
Directed by Susan Nanning-Sorenson and Sergei Pavlov
From Drama Desk Award nominees Neil Bartram and Brian Hill (The Story of My Life), The Theory of Relativity is a joyous and moving look about our surprisingly interconnected lives. Whether you're allergic to cats, in love for the first or tenth time, a child of divorce, a germaphobe or simply a unique individual, audience members and actors alike are sure to find themselves in this fresh new musical.
Through a seemingly unrelated collection of songs, scenes and monologues, The Theory of Relativity introduces a compelling array of characters experiencing the joys and heartbreaks, the liaisons and losses, the inevitability and the wonder of human connection.
Produced by Edgewood College Theatre at Diane Ballweg Theatre, 1000 Edgewood College Drive, Madison, WI, 537117
Performances: February 25-27, 2021
Performance Times:
Online Performance, PrerecordedTicket Prices: TBA
Call 608-358-9572 for reservations or more information.
Auditions will be held on the following days:
11/23/2020Auditionees need to prepare 16 bars of a piece that showcases their range - they may sing acapella or with their own recorded accompaniment.
Auditionees will be given some "sides" to read for parts they are interested in.
Auditionees will select one 8 minute auditon slot on SignUp Genius. You will be placed in a virtual waiting room and when they are ready for your audition, you will be admitted. Arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled time.
Auditionees will be emailed an audition form and link prior to their auditions. All forms must be emailed back to the SM by 5 pm the day of their scheduled audition.
For people who are interested in more background on the show, here is a link to watch the YouTube performance and a link to MTI's Website.