The Great All-American Musical Disaster
By Tim Kelly
Directed by Karl Reinhardt
SEE a Hollywood has-been fight to regain her stature!
SEE walking talking caricatures from decades of film!
SEE an over-grown "baby" hold her breath until she turns blue!Film producer Junior Dover, Jr. hasn’t made a picture since his last flop, “Zombies of the Stratosphere,” but his latest project has everything - from earthquakes to killer sea creatures, typhoons and savage lobsters! And don't forget the agent!
Junior induces every major Hollywood star, a few has-beens, and even a maybe, to appear by tailoring separate scripts to meet each star’s personal requirements. So each star assumes he or she is the whole picture, with the other Greats relegated to supporting roles - an assumption that leads to all kinds of madcap stage frenzy!
How Junior manages to stay one jump ahead of disaster makes this play a champion laugh-getter! This is Hollywood, after all! Anything can happen, and does!
Produced by Lodi High School at Lodi Community Performing Arts Center, 1100 Sauk Street, Lodi
Performances: March 23-25, 2012
Performance Times: Friday and Saturday 3/23 and 3/24 at 7pm, Sunday 3/25 at 2pm
Ticket Prices: TBA
Call TBA for reservations or more information.