Short Shorts
By Various
Directed by Various
You are cordially invited Tuesday night, Sept 26, 8pm at the Mercury Lounge (117 E. Mifflin) for an evening of short (1 page, no really, just a page) plays. All plays will take place in the lounge amongst you, the audience, and they will happen when you least expect it. This event is free, and takes place on the last tuesday of every month. If you are interested in acting, writing, directing, or in some way becoming a part of this awesome experience, send us your info, interests, and/or script submissions! Send to: See you on the 26th! -Mercury Players Special Events
Produced by Mercury Players Theatre SE at Mercury Lounge 117 E. Mifflin
Performances: September 26, 2006
Performance Times: 8pm
Ticket Prices: Free