By Cameron McNary
Directed by Suzan Kurry
OF DICE AND MEN shows the world that most gamers aren’t isolated, virgin-for-life losers: theirs is a social hobby not unlike poker or fantasy football. The play explores the rich friendships and romantic lives of a group of lifelong friends who are NOT stereotypical, Cheetos-stained, acne-blighted geeks. AT ALL. These men and women are attractive, smart, charming…and facing some major changes in their lives. Humor, brutal honesty and the good-natured kidding of people who know each other far too well culminate in an unforgettable evening that will make you laugh and think – and do so in a way that celebrates the power of gaming to bring people together, never once apologizing for it.
Produced by Mercury Players Theater at Bartell Theatre's Evjue Stage, 113 E. Mifflin St., Madison
Performances: May 19 - June 3, 2017
Performance Times:
Friday-Saturday, May 19-20 @ 8:00pm
Thursday May 25 @ 7:30pm
Friday-Saturday, May 26-27 @ 8:00pm
Sunday, May 28 @ 4:00pm
Thursday, June 1 @ 7:30pm
Friday, June 2 @ 8:00pm
Saturday, June 3 @ 4:00pm (FINAL PERFORMANCE)Ticket Prices: General Admission $20, Students & Seniors $18, Special $15 tickets on 5/25, 5/28, 6/1 and 6/3
Call 608-661-9696 for reservations or more information.
John Francis . . . . Brent Holmes
John Alex . . . . Cam Shimniok
Jason . . . . Allen Jeanette
Tara . . . . Sarah Edlund
Linda . . . . Justine Kolb
Brandon . . . . Jim CastonFor questions, please contact director Suzan Kurry: skurry@suzankurry.com