Mercury Potluck Picnic
The Annual Mercury Players Potluck Picnic!! August 19th, from 11-2, at Burrows Park. Come party with the Players! Bring your kids! We will have some good clean fun, including a raffle ($5 per ticket, three tickets for $10) with prizes ranging from Mercury merchandise to our new artistic director rearranging your living room!! We have some fantastic cooks in our company, so please bring a dish to pass and your appetites, and we'll have a grill going for meat that anyone brings. Beer is allowed, (and encouraged) but please, no glass bottles. See you on the 19th!
Produced by Mercury Players Theatre at 25 Burrows Road, Off Sherman
Performances: August 19, 2007
Performance Times: 11-2pm
Free admission
Call Jess Evans 516-3326 for reservations or more information.