By Alan Jay Lerner
Directed by Susan Nanning-Sorenson
When two American tourists, lost in the Highlands of Scotland, stumble upon a mysterious village, their arrival has serious implications for the inhabitants. The enchanted village appears for one day every hundred years, though for the villagers, the passing of each century feels no longer than one night. To preserve themselves and the enchantment, no one from Brigadoon may ever leave the village or all its inhabitants will disappear into the mist and be lost forever. When one of the tourists falls in love with a village girl he must decide to stay or lose her for all time.
Produced by Edgewood College Theatre at Regina Theatre, 1000 Edgewood College Drive, Madison
Performances: November 12-20, 2010
Performance Times: November 12, 13, 18, 19, 20 at 7:30 pm. Also at 3:30 pm on November 13.
Ticket Prices: $5 students & seniors; $10 general admission
Call 608-663-6710 for reservations or more information.