By Blitz Veterans
Directed by Blitz Veterans
On Saturday, February 16th, Mercury Players presents:
THE BLITZ SMACKDOWN - Round Two! This time, it's personal...
Last year's champion, Doug "Professor of Pain" Reed returns to defend his title and retain the Smackdown belt. Returning combatants Rob "The Assassin" Matsushita and Phil "Male-Pattern Badass" Heckman will be
joined by Betty "Badda-bing, Badda-boom" Diamond, Lisa "I Eat Babies" and Christian "$ellout" Neuhaus in a playwriting grudge match of epic proportions.At the end of the evening, the audience gets to pick the winner!
Directors in the Cage:
Craig Johnson
John Eichenlaub
Rachel Bledsoe
Jessica Witham
Megan McGlone
Pete RydbergProduced by Mercury Players at Drury Stage, Bartell Theatre, 113 East Mifflin Street, Madison
Performances: February 16, 2008
Performance Times: 8 pm
Ticket Prices: $15. Important Performance Information:
Make plans to attend this festive night of rock'em, sock'em theatre combat. There will be no advance ticket sales or reservations. The lobby will open at 7:00pm for the 8:00 show. Be there!
Actor auditions:
Monday, February 11th and Tuesday, February 12th at 7pm at the Bartell (113 East Mifflin Street). We're looking for 25-30 Blitz actor veterans. Come prepared to do some of the most intense scene work you've ever done in your life! (But it will still be Blitz-y fun!)
Contact Producer/Referees Bonnie Balke or Kirk Stantis with questions at <> or <>, or at 608-273-9275