As Bees in Honey Drown
By Douglas Carter Beane
Directed by Steve Noll
"As Bees in Honey Drown" is a dark comedy about fame, fortune, betrayal and revenge, set in hedonistic 1990s New York City.
Evan is a young writer who has just published his first book to great critical acclaim, but low sales. When socialite Alexa Ver De Vere hires him to write her biography, Evan is drawn into a world of fame, fortune and desire. But Alexa has her own dark secret that will cause Evan to seek out revenge on her.
Produced by Mercury Players Theater at Bartell Theatre, The Bartell Theatre, 113 E. Mifflin Street,Madison
Performances: March 16-31, 2012
Performance Times: Thursdays: 7:30pm
Fridays & Saturdays: 8pm
Sunday (March 25): 4pmTicket Prices: $15 (Fri/Sat)/$12 (Thu/Sun)
Call 608-661-9696 x5 for reservations or more information.
Auditions will be held on the following days:
12/6/2011Auditions to be held December 5 and 6 at 7pm at the Bartell Theatre. 113 E Mifflin Street in Madison.
Roles available for 3 men (one must be able to play late 20s) and 2 women. The role of Alexa Vere de Vere will be played by Stephanie Monday.
For copies of the script or other information, contact director Steve Noll. or 608-886-3671