The Heights

By Cramer & Renick

Directed by Cramer & Renick

Hanging around senior living apartment buildings impressed upon me that the tenants are struggling with issues everyone must face in one way or another sooner or later. This particular segment of society (the retired, disabled and other segments of the over-fifty-five population) has little voice in the public venue, and even less in the performing arts. This is a comedy -- AND HOW! But it also, in its own fashion, deals with some heavy-duty issues. What I learned and hope to pass along through our work:

Performances: May 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 2005, Curtain 8:00 pm, plus Sunday Matinee at 1 pm

Ticket Prices: Call for information and available discounts.

Call 262/363-2225 or visit for reservations or more information.

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