Open Mic

By Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre

Directed by Alanna Medearis

A short and sweet open mic fundraiser for Krass
Thursday, July 29, 6-7:30 pm
Special guests:
*Rohnarellos (Andrew Rohn and Cat Capellaro, authors of In the Beginning, Walmartopia, Temp Slave, etc.)
*Carrie Masse (Monkey Business Institute)
Sign up to sing a song, do a monologue, recite the Gettysburg address -- ANYTHING. Time limit 3-5 minutes.
email for a slot or arrive at 5:30 to sign up.
At Java Cat where you can drink coffee, eat sandwiches, partake of fabulous gelatto

Produced by Kathie Rasmussen Women's Theatre at Java Cat, 3918 Monona Drive, Madison WI

Performances: July 29, 2010

Performance Times: Come in time to cheer on your friends

Free admission

Call for reservations or more information.

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Auditions will be held on the following days:


Only a few slots available.
Sign up to sing a song, do a monologue, recite the Gettysburg address -- ANYTHING. Time limit 3-5 minutes.
email for a slot or arrive at 5:30 to sign up.